Friday, April 16, 2010

Black & White Film Photography

These are a few projects I finished up in the darkroom today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really grateful you called my attention to your photography. One of my favorites is of your mom's hands on the recipe book. Can't tell you why, i just like it. And it reminds me that i promised to teach her how to make my Italian red sauce.

    You're doing graphic design, which is a great skill; but it's even greater that you are creating your own content, which is the difference between a graphic designer and an artist. And its even greaterer that you create really amazing content like this.

    Your perspective is nice, but you're obviously mastering the use light and the power of a short focal range, two things that separate the pro from the amatuer.

    What's better than a B&W photo of a dark subject like that Singer? Yummy. You're a very special talent.

    I remember when Audra first got a cell phone with a camera on it as a sophomore. She'd come home with some random shots of her friends. The first time i saw a bunch of her pics i was a little dumbfounded at how good they were, and just assumed she was lucky. But she kept amazing me, and for about a year i was careful not to say anything or react too strongly to her pictures, because i saw something magical and didn't want to jinx it. After about a year i knew her talent was for real, and i had to confess to her that she had something very special, that had something way beyond what i would ever be able to bring to photography.

    She kept with it and got a lot of recognition from her art teachers and the county. They created a special AP Photogaphy course just for her her senior year, and now she'll be going after a BFA in photography at BYU, Idaho. On my facebook, i have an album with some of her photos in it. She doesn't take a lot of photos, uses cheap camera, and doesn't have any skills training, but her natural perspective and eye are great.

    When i see how you've gone after your potential so successfully, i hopefully project that onto her. Can't wait to see her mature in the art the way you have.
